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= Recent [ ? ]

10 May 2012 to 5 Feb 2014: 39,473 visits shown above

Statistics updated 27 Apr 2014@07:25GMT: 43,681 visits [ ? ]
Total since 8 May 2008: 261,877. Previous 24hrs: 30.

Notes | Country totals =>

Current Country Totals
From 10 May 2012 to 5 Feb 2014

United States (US) 20,738
California (CA) 3,438
New York (NY) 1,497
Virginia (VA) 1,129
Florida (FL) 1,013
Texas (TX) 1,008
Illinois (IL) 855
Pennsylvania (PA) 836
North Carolina (NC) 766
Washington (WA) 757
Massachusetts (MA) 643
New Jersey (NJ) 615
Ohio (OH) 614
Michigan (MI) 507
Georgia (GA) 422
Kentucky (KY) 416
Connecticut (CT) 375
Colorado (CO) 328
Minnesota (MN) 321
Maryland (MD) 303
Indiana (IN) 297
Missouri (MO) 293
Wisconsin (WI) 274
Oregon (OR) 263
Tennessee (TN) 258
Alabama (AL) 258
Arizona (AZ) 226
Iowa (IA) 224
South Carolina (SC) 205
Utah (UT) 161
Louisiana (LA) 149
Kansas (KS) 144
Oklahoma (OK) 143
Nebraska (NE) 115
New Hampshire (NH) 105
Mississippi (MS) 105
Nevada (NV) 99
Arkansas (AR) 97
Maine (ME) 91
Rhode Island (RI) 86
New Mexico (NM) 74
West Virginia (WV) 73
District of Columbia (DC) 65
Idaho (ID) 62
Hawaii (HI) 53
Vermont (VT) 49
Alaska (AK) 46
Delaware (DE) 46
Armed Forces Europe, Middle East, & Canada (AE) 40
Montana (MT) 36
South Dakota (SD) 34
North Dakota (ND) 30
Wyoming (WY) 12
Armed Forces Pacific (AP) 2
N/A 680
United Kingdom (GB) 2,941
Canada (CA) 2,545
Australia (AU) 1,495
India (IN) 824
Germany (DE) 762
Philippines (PH) 545
Hungary (HU) 484
Netherlands (NL) 416
France (FR) 412
Czech Republic (CZ) 377
Russian Federation (RU) 341
Italy (IT) 328
Sweden (SE) 321
Romania (RO) 315
Brazil (BR) 281
Europe (EU) 253
Bulgaria (BG) 247
Finland (FI) 241
Spain (ES) 238
New Zealand (NZ) 218
Belgium (BE) 215
Poland (PL) 208
Portugal (PT) 201
South Africa (ZA) 190
Mexico (MX) 185
Ireland (IE) 171
China (CN) 165
Norway (NO) 164
Denmark (DK) 154
Argentina (AR) 151
Turkey (TR) 151
Singapore (SG) 137
Ukraine (UA) 135
Japan (JP) 133
Indonesia (ID) 133
United Arab Emirates (AE) 128
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) 125
Colombia (CO) 118
Malaysia (MY) 116
Pakistan (PK) 112
Hong Kong (HK) 101
Austria (AT) 100
Greece (GR) 99
Thailand (TH) 86
Korea, Republic of (KR) 83
Israel (IL) 81
Taiwan (TW) 74
Iceland (IS) 67
Switzerland (CH) 65
Lithuania (LT) 61
Serbia (RS) 55
Saudi Arabia (SA) 51
Vietnam (VN) 50
Slovakia (SK) 48
Chile (CL) 48
Croatia (HR) 45
Egypt (EG) 41
Estonia (EE) 39
Slovenia (SI) 36
Peru (PE) 35
Bangladesh (BD) 34
Kenya (KE) 32
Costa Rica (CR) 27
Georgia (GE) 27
Asia/Pacific Region (AP) 26
Myanmar (MM) 26
Latvia (LV) 25
Moldova, Republic of (MD) 25
Morocco (MA) 23
Sri Lanka (LK) 23
Macedonia (MK) 19
Puerto Rico (PR) 19
Nigeria (NG) 18
Uruguay (UY) 16
Trinidad and Tobago (TT) 16
Ecuador (EC) 15
Guatemala (GT) 15
Venezuela (VE) 14
Algeria (DZ) 14
Kuwait (KW) 14
Kazakstan (KZ) 14
American Samoa (AS) 14
Belarus (BY) 13
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) 13
Lebanon (LB) 13
Luxembourg (LU) 13
Nepal (NP) 13
Albania (AL) 13
Mauritius (MU) 12
Jamaica (JM) 12
Ghana (GH) 12
Aland Islands (AX) 11
Cyprus (CY) 11
Qatar (QA) 11
El Salvador (SV) 11
Malta (MT) 10
Dominican Republic (DO) 10
Jordan (JO) 10
Cayman Islands (KY) 7
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ) 7
Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI) 7
Armenia (AM) 7
Uganda (UG) 6
Bahrain (BH) 6
Tunisia (TN) 6
Iraq (IQ) 6
Jersey (JE) 6
Syrian Arab Republic (SY) 5
Ethiopia (ET) 5
Senegal (SN) 5
Honduras (HN) 5
Cameroon (CM) 4
Botswana (BW) 4
Panama (PA) 4
Zimbabwe (ZW) 4
Montenegro (ME) 4
Azerbaijan (AZ) 4
Barbados (BB) 4
Sudan (SD) 4
Palestinian Territory (PS) 4
Bahamas (BS) 4
Afghanistan (AF) 3
Guam (GU) 3
Isle of Man (IM) 3
Kyrgyzstan (KG) 3
Yemen (YE) 3
Cote D'Ivoire (CI) 3
Bhutan (BT) 3
Oman (OM) 3
Brunei Darussalam (BN) 3
Rwanda (RW) 2
Belize (BZ) 2
Greenland (GL) 2
Maldives (MV) 2
Cuba (CU) 2
Macau (MO) 2
Antigua and Barbuda (AG) 2
Mongolia (MN) 2
Fiji (FJ) 2
Cambodia (KH) 2
Netherlands Antilles (AN) 2
Uzbekistan (UZ) 2
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY) 2
Bolivia (BO) 2
Nicaragua (NI) 1
Mayotte (YT) 1
Guinea-Bissau (GW) 1
Chad (TD) 1
Martinique (MQ) 1
Mauritania (MR) 1
Togo (TG) 1
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC) 1
Vanuatu (VU) 1
Paraguay (PY) 1
Bermuda (BM) 1
Namibia (NA) 1
Mozambique (MZ) 1
Guernsey (GG) 1
Suriname (SR) 1
Niger (NE) 1
French Polynesia (PF) 1
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